Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mission: Pepsi Throwback

Ok. I've been trying to figure out what gimmicky little things I can do with this blog and since I haven't gone to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen yet (don't hate me) I can't write my review about it. I don't have the money right now to buy any new games (currently playing Mass Effect Awesome! ) so I can't write any reviews on those, so I will humor and entice you with a cheap mission that I have been on for some time.

That mission is tracking down some Pepsi Throwback. For those of you that don't know Pepsi has released limited editions of Pepsi and Mountain Dew that are sweetened with real sugar (like Dublin Dr. Pepper) like the good ol' days.

Well I have thus far been unsuccessful in my search for these elusive blue cans. Every time I go into a convenience store or pass by the soda aisle of a supermarket I am left downtrodden at the lack of Throwback.

So therefore I figured I would broadcast my mission worldwide through my blog. If any of you can point me in the right direction of where I can procure some of this nectar then I would be most grateful.


Ashley Slade (the_pearl said...

If in refrence to blue can's you mean the ones that have Pepsi down the side in white lettering... I can lead you in the right direction... Albertsons has these can's and they are usually on sale..

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