Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My thoughts on Jon and Kate

I figured since everyone else was adding their $0.02 then I would too.

Michael Ian Black put it well when he tweeted "Stop hating: Jon and Kate owe it to humanity to sleep around because they're so (expletive) fertile."

Personally I don't think anyone took it as a surprise that Jon and Kate decided to call it quits. It was kind of inevitable with what the tabloids/media were saying and the way TLC was ramping up the previews for last night's episode.

Even if you have nothing but harsh things to say against those two, you have to admit that they are handling the way that this is going to affect the kids well. The kids will get to stay in their new $1.1 million dollar house and Jon/Kate will live there when it is their designated times with the kids. Apparently these problems have been around long before the tabloids picked it up and I like how Jon put it "It just isn't working. I don't want to us to be yelling at each other in front of the kids."

Feel free to continue this discussion in the comment boxes below.


Tara Poche said...

I have noticed that neither one of them has really said anything harsh or offensive toward the other. I appreciate that. At least they're being civil. Maybe they can work it out.

Steven said...

Maybe. I agree that they have been super civil in this. I think the fact that there might be some infidelity on both sides and its not something that just started happening recently contributes to that.

They have continued to deflect the focus from themselves and keep saying "we want to do what is best for the kids" which I think makes them look more civil as well.

Tara Poche said...

I'm hoping they both simply recognize their own faults and not just the faults of the other person.

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